22 April - 30 April 2023
Nakhatrana, Kutch - Gujarat
Nakhatrana is a panchayat village and headquarters for a taluka in the middle of Kutch, Gujarat, in India. Nakhatrana is a small town 50k from Bhuj, Kutch. Bhuj is well connected to railway, air and roads. Being small village very limited hotels and guests houses are available in Nakhatrana. Katha location is 8km from main town towards Mata Na Madh Road( a famous temple of Maa Ashapura).
Nakhatrana, Kutch
Ram Katha prasad will be served daily to all guests, including Lunch and Dinner. All are welcome and invited to have prasad.
22nd April - 30th April 2023
Live Katha Timings
Live on Chitrakutdham Talgajarda YouTube Channel & Aastha Channel
Can be booked directly with reference of RamKatha, Nakhatrana.
Few other small hotels & guest houses are situated in Nakhatrana town.
Note: Only available common accommodations will be provided to first come first basis in dormitory with common washrooms.
Taxis are a convenient mode of transport around.
For questions related to Ram Katha please contact:
Contact Number:
Live on Chitrakutdham Talgajarda YouTube Channel & Aastha Channel